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Oak Ridge National Laboratory


1. Homogeneous Reactors and Their Development

2. Nuclear Characteristics of One- and Two-Region Homogeneous Reactors

3. Properties of Aqueous Fuel Solutions

4. Technology of Aqueous Suspensions

5. Integrity of Metals in Homogeneous Reactor Media

6. Chemical Processing

7. Design and Construction of Experimental Homogeneous Reactors

8. Component Development

9. Large-Scale Homogeneous Reactor Studies

10. Homogeneous Reactor Cost Studies


E. G. Bohlmann

P.R. Kasten

J. A. Lane

J. P. McBridge

D. G. Thomas

H. F. McDuffie

R. A. McNees

C. L. Segaser

I. Spiewak



B. M. Adamson

S. E. Beall

W. E. Browning

W. D. Burch

R. D. Cheverton

E. L. Compere

C. H. Gabbard

J. C. Griess

D. B. Hall

E. C. Hise

G. H. Jenks

J. C. Wilson

S. I. Kaplan

N. A. Krohn

C. G. Lawson

R. E. Leuze

R. N. Lyon

W. T. McDuffee

L. E. Morse

S. Peterson

R. C. Robertson

H. C. Savage

D. S. Toomb


This compilation of information related to aqueous homogeneous reactors summarizes the results of more than ten years of research and development by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and other organizations. Some 1500 technical man-years of effort have been devoted to this work, the cost of which totals more than $50 million. A summary of a program of this magnitude must necessarily be devoted primarily to the main technical approaches pursued, with less attention to alternate approaches. For more complete coverage, the reader is directed to the selected bibliography at the end of Part I.

Although research in other countries has contributed to the technology of aqueous homogeneous reactors, this review is limited to work in the United States. In a few instances, however, data and references pertaining to work carried on outside the United States are included for continuity.

Responsibility for the preparation of Part I was shared by the members of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as given on the preceding page and at the beginning of each chapter.

Review of the manuscript by others pf the Oak Ridge Laboratory staff and by scientists and engineers of Argonne National Laboratory and Westinghouse Electric Corporation have improved clarity and accuracy. Suggestions by R. B. Briggs, director of the Homogeneous Reactor Project at the Oak Ridge Laboratory, and S. McLain, consultant to the Argonne Laboratory, were particularly helpful.

Others at Oak Ridge who assisted in the preparation of this part include W. D. Reel, who checked all chapters for style and consistency, W. C. Colwell, who was in charge of the execution of the drawings, and H. B. Whetsel, who prepared the subject index.

Oak Ridge, Tennessee June 1958 James A. Lane, Editor