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Part III

Frank Maslan, Editor

Brookhaven National Laboratory


18. Liquid-Metal Fuel Reactors

19. Reactor Physics for Liquid-Metal Reactor Design

20. Composition and Properties of Liquid-Metal Fuels

21. Materials of Construction-Metallurgy

22. Chemical Processing

23. Engineering Design

24. Liquid-Metal Fuel Reactor Design Study

25. Additional Liquid-Metal Reactors




R. Bourdeau

M. B. Brodsky

J. S. Bryner

J. Chernick

J. G. Y. Chow

O. E. Dwyer

W. P. Eeatherly

J. J. Egan

A. M. Eshaya

S. Ginell

L. Green

R. J. Isler

D. H. Gurinksy

D. Hall

F. B. Hill

M. Janes

O. F. Kammerer

C.J. Klamut

R. M. Kiehn

R. L. Mansfield

R. A. Meyer

F. T. Miles

C. Raseman

W. Robba

D. G. Schweitzer

T. V. Sheehan

H. Susskind

C. Waide

J. R. Weeks

R. H. Wiswall




This is the most extensive discussion of liquid-metal fuel reactor development yet published in the United States. Emphasis has been placed on the Liquid Metal Fuel Reactor being developed by Brookhaven National Laboratory and Babcock & Wilcox Co. because it is the most advanced project. Work on various phases of liquid-metal fuel reactors is being carried out by Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, Raytheon Manufacturing Co., Argonne National Laboratory, Ames Laboratory, and Atomics International. The editor would like to have given more coverage to work at the last three locations but was unable to because time was lacking.

The liquid-metal fuel reactor development at Brookhaven started as an organized program in 1951. Before that, work had been conducted on bismuth-uranium fuel and other components. In 1954, Babcock & Wilcox Co.”, in collaboration with representatives of sixteen other companies, prepared a reference design and report. In 1956, Babcock & Wilcox contracted with the Atomic Energy Commission to design, build, and operate a low-power experimental reactor (LMFR Experiment No. 1). Research, development, and design studies are being carried on concurrently by B & W and Brookhaven. LMFR Experiment No. 1, on which construction is scheduled to start in 1960, is intended to demonstrate feasibility and provide information on the physics, metallurgy, chemistry, and mechanical aspects of this type of reactor.

The editor expresses appreciation to many of his colleagues at Brookhaven and Babcock & Wilcox for working with him on these chapters. He wishes particularly to thank those whose material he drew upon, also

C. Williams, 0. E. Dwyer, D. Gurinsky, H. Kouts, F. T. Miles, and T. V. Sheehan, of Brookhaven National Laboratory; R. T. Schoemer, H. H. Poor, and J. Happell, of Babcock & Wilcox Co.; R. Rebholz and G. Goring, of Union Carbide Corp.; D. Hall, of Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory; and W. Robba, of Raytheon Manufacturing Co. Special appreciation is due Miss Gloria Ministeri for her laborious and prolonged secretarial work and Miss Dolores Del Castillo for coming to our aid in emergencies.

Frank Maslan, Editor

Upton, New York

June 1958