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Part II

H. G. Macpherson, Editor

Oak Ridge National Laboratory


11. Introduction

12. Chemical Aspects of Molten-Fluoride-Salt Reactor Fuels

13. Construction Materials for Molten-Salt Reactors

14. Nuclear Aspects of Molten-Salt Reactors

15. Equipment for Molten-Salt Reactor Heat-Transfer Systems

16. Aircraft Reactor Experiment

17. Conceptual Design of a Power Reactor



L. G. Alexander H. G. Macpherson
J. W. Allen W. D. Manly
E. S. Bettis L. A. Mann
F. F. Blankenship W. B. Mcdonald
W. F. Boudreau H. J. Metz
E. J. Breeding P. Patriarca
W. G. Cobb H. F. Poppendiek
W. H. Cook J. T. Roberts
D. R. Cuneo M. T. Robinson
J. H. Devann T. K. Roche
D. A. Douglas H. W. Savage
W. K. Ergen G. M. Slaughter
W. R. Grimes E. Storto
H. Inouye A. Taboada
D. H. Jansen G. M. Tolson
G. W. Keilholtz F. C. Vonderlage
B. W. Kinyon G. D. Whitman
M. E. Lackey J. Zasler





The Oak Ridge National Laboratory, under the sponsorship of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission, has engaged in research on molten salts as materials for use in high-temperature reactors for a number of years. The technology developed by this work was incorporated in the Aircraft Reactor Experiment and made available for purposes of civilian application. This earlier technology and the new' information found in the civilian power reactor effort is summarized in this part. . .

So many present and former members of the Laboratory staff have contributed directly or indirectly to the molten salt work that it should be regarded as a contribution from the entire Laboratory. The technical direction of the work was provided by A. M. Weinberg, R. C. Briant, W. H. Jordan, and S. J. Cromer. In addition to the contributors listed for the various chapters, the editor would like to acknowledge the efforts of the following people who are currently engaged in the work reported: R. G. Affel, J. C. Amos, C. J. Barton, C. C. Beusmsn, W. E. Browning, S. Cantor, D. O. Campbell, G. 1. Cathers, B. H. Clampitt, J. A. Conlin, M. H. Cooper, J. L. Crowley, J. Y. Estabrook, H. A. Friedman, P. A. Gnadt, A. G. Grindell, H. W. Hoffman, H. Insley, S. Langer, R. E. Mac-Pherson, R. E. Moore, O. J. NessIe, R. F. Newton, W. R. Osborn, F. E. Romie, C. F. Sales, J. H. Shaffer, G. P. Smith, N. V. Smith, P. G. Smith, W. L. Snapp, W.K. Stair, R. A. Strehlow, C. D. Susano, R. E. Thoma, D. B. Trauger, J. J. Tudor, W. 1'. Ward, G. M. Watson, J. C. White, and H. C. Young.

The technical reviews at Argonne National Laboratory and Westinghouse Electric Corporation aided in achieving clarity.

The editor and contributors of this part wish to express their appreciation to A. W. Savolainen for her assistance in preparing the text in its final form.


Oak Ridge, Tennessee

June 1958

H. G. MacPherson, Editor